Princess Brat wonders
15 years ago
Is it a good hint that someone is using you when they put you in thier profile with they name of your store next to your name?
latest #8
Linsay ✩ says
15 years ago
:-o umm yeah probably. it depends.. if their promoting your store... or if their saying hey look who im friends with..
Linsay ✩ says
15 years ago
if its not someone your close to then no but if not or then yeah probably.. but thats just my optinion.
Princess Brat says
15 years ago
I am not close to them and they are not promoting my store
Linsay ✩ says
15 years ago
then yeah
Princess Brat says
15 years ago
wow that not good... thanks for being honest with me. huggssss
Linsay ✩ says
15 years ago
mmhm your welcome.. thats what i would think at least. thats terirble im so sorry someone is doing that :-(
Invisibleʚ|ɞNia says
15 years ago
ummm i dont know what to say, but I'm sorry!
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