lizstrauss asks
16 years ago
do crayons qualify as social media?
latest #30
LindaZ says
16 years ago
16 years ago
I'd say Scott Monty does, for sure. :-D
 Sasha likes
16 years ago
crayons :-)
Beth Harte wishes
16 years ago
she got it.... (s_unsure)
lizstrauss says
16 years ago
suppose a drawing causes a conversation.
acnatta says
16 years ago
I think they're a tool and they encourage interaction though it's a different type of sharing... plus you can't necessarily do this - :-D
acnatta says
16 years ago
I really meant to use a dancing banana...
16 years ago
Dancing banana? Now *that* is social media. B-)
Amie feels
16 years ago
crayons are more of a wax-based media. :-))
rjleaman says
16 years ago
crayons are media, no doubt - so depends on if there's 2-way sharing/intent. Hey, nice analogy for those who post only own links as updates!
BarbaraKB feels
16 years ago
it's all about real, true & human connections. And I'm okay w/those who refuse to use crayons... :-D
lizstrauss says
16 years ago
lizstrauss says
16 years ago
is that dancing banana when you need it? :-o
 Sasha
16 years ago
Connie asks
16 years ago
Why aren't my bananas dancing? Must be too early in the morning. I'm not dancing yet myself.
lizstrauss says
16 years ago
You're bananas are the best!
16 years ago
(s_dance) Can only get my bananas to dance right side up this morning. (s_LOL)
homemom3 says
16 years ago
only when kids are involved lol
lizstrauss says
16 years ago
Yeah, and if I could only spell "your."
acnatta says
16 years ago
iContact says
16 years ago
LOL, I love that last comment Connie!
jennydecki says
16 years ago
It depends on how many kids are coloring.
lizstrauss says
16 years ago
jennydecki I think number has a lot to do with it.
KDFrawg 🐸 says
16 years ago
DelaneyKirk says
16 years ago
only if I can borrow them!
florabrown says
15 years ago
very definitely, especially since you get to choose your own colors
lizstrauss says
15 years ago
florabrown I love that response
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