well...if you can return it...sure...i'd suggest trying free programs first, like gimp...and photofiltre...
and see how you go with those...the talent comes from practise though...
photophiltre is a good , easy starting program for beginners..and i still use it heaps
take a look..its very quick, light and easy to use
noooo i know how to use photo shop and work it i had it on my old computer before i got this one last year... thats not the issue
and gimp if you wanna try layering and more technical stuff
my fear is that i still will not be talented enough to make anything good enough for SL
all free
ohhh never think that and don't compare your talent to others out there. There are all skill levels and all kinds of customers
dive in, make what you love to make and wear and you'll find your place and your customer base with what you're happy with..not anybody else
if everybody let themselves be hemmed in by what they "thought" they weren't capable of, none of us would be doing this
everyone who takes that step into showing their stuff publicly is afraid it wont be good enough...promise you that
Hey Ivey dragged me over. Go For It!!!! Look SL is richer with you than without you, no one NO ONE makes things everyone loves...
But the grid is richer with with more new designers than without. You have vision, ideas, and experiences that are unique to you...
no one can touch that. And your "skill level" will only get better with practice. Give it a shot.
Hey people even buy things I make!
lol well thanks for the peptalk
just do it for fun! Even just learning new things in PS is rewarding, no matter what you do with the work when it's finished
how do i know if i got the right version of photo shop to do what I want in SL... lie I want to make tattoos... how do i know
the version i have will work for that... without opening it and then fiding out after its opened that it wont work how i want..
i have elements 7... my friend says he uses cs3...
you will never know unless you try. There is no way at all you will be the worst cuz a lot of ppl started w/o a clue how to even open PS
Everything takes time to learn, you might not make perfect stuff immediately but you'll get better & better as you go along!
Don't let fear stop you from trying. Each person brings their own unique contributions to SL, you have something to give too
Ivey how is it for transparancy ... friend with cs3 says to ask that
Photoshop Elements isn't Photoshop, though-Elements is the "lite" version of PS, and 7 is NOT the same as PS 7! I have the Elements thingie
on my laptop (it came preinstalled) and the old normal Photoshop 7 on my other computer-that version of PS is5 years old I think.
GIMP is free and it's all I use.
ok alyx but whats the difference? will I be able to use it the same or did i get the wrong ne?
Apart from Elements costing 100 bucks and Photoshop, like, 1000?
Lots of details you probably don't need.Elements can do alphas.