this thing is gonna go on and on until it reaches ten
YES! Roosha said doodie-head.
(Gee CM, I think that was like a 12 syllable word or something!)
LOL It was a fun word! Like:
wow you know how to SPELL that..? oh wait look who I am talking to, of course CM knows how to spell it!
Humperdink, Humperdink, Humperdink!!!
did you know Humperdink looks like a barrel in the book? they were describing him...i show quote it off sometime lol its funny
Have fun storming the castle!
I'm not a witch I'm your wife!
Billy Crystal is very funny in that role!
New green grass to mow!!!
i LOVE mowing!!! we have a rider tho...that mite change things..
I used to have a rider, but no more!
Google foodle doodle noodle
wow i totally missed this plurk
Apples to apples, oranges to oranges, bananas to bananas...
this poor lil buckey had a friend
who was of course a buckey
but he didn't have a whole
like the wholly bucket had
carry water from the stream...
and the other in the other hand.
after awhile the bucket with
the whole, asked its owner
very kindly if he's fix its hole
(*i see i've been spelling that wrong* *oops! hope CM doesn't see lol*)
but his owner said, "of course not!"
the bucket asked, "why not? everyday i come back
to the house with only half a bucket
the owner said, "but look at the flowers you have been watering on your side of the path!"
so even tho the holey bucket had a cud still be useful!
...That is from a SS story i heard! lol
My Auntie Kari told it to us kids...
sorry if you were expecting a funny story!
Holy flyin' potato chips!
Everyone knows that potato chips can't fly!
all ya need to do is threw em!
An transcendental number!
godfather's pizza
boxes. lots and lost of boxes
Oh no, NB, you did NOT just say what I think you said. It's ON!
what pigein poop or PURPLE SNOW?
purple snow purple snow purple snow purple snow
pop it! lock it! pocka-dot it!
thats when it says it was posted on my computer
Country-fy it, hop-hop it...
i dont like school-history
i love you, jonny!!!! *punch*...**running**
hehe i cant wait for tonights fb game!!!! GO PACKERS!!!!!!!
actually i dont really care about them but everyone else around here roots for them so...go packers!
actually i ended up rooting for the bears cuz gage went with the packers and its more fun when ppl r rooting against each other.
so while u hear "GO GO GO!!!" u also hear "GET HIM!!!!!"
I was rooting for the Packers this time. Wow, what an ending!
i hate the Packers so i cheer for the other team no matter who they play
haha why do u hate the packers?
ya it was an amazing ending.
i dont really care for them either. i dont really like any team other than the cowboys
cowboys are no good either...
they are better now that they got rid of TO
Football (need I say more?)
I saw him yesterday! Dad couldn't pick me up from school cuz he had to work and there was a late start, so I stayed and took the bus, and he
got off as I got on! Weird. Really. Weird.
wow 205 responses!
wow i guess i missed this plurk.
ummmm something random.....
hmmm... i think im hungry
ipod (!
TIME FOR...RANDOM WORD GAME #4!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!