6 months ago
says How's everyone doing in this new year?
latest #11
6 months ago
good. You?
6 months ago
Godtess, I'm OK. Still alive and still trying to make things better.
Ceejay Writer
6 months ago
Mostly good. Still struggling to finish the projects I vowed would be done by the end of last year, but eh!
Ceejay Writer
6 months ago
How be you, friend?
6 months ago
footpad: in what way? Any success? I’m currently in Florida, staying out of the snow!
Lemongrass 正在
6 months ago
on tenterhooks awaiting a hospital appointment. There’s life before the appt, and unknown-ness afterwards.
6 months ago
Godtess - Well, we have three new kittens, so those are rescues. And we're trying to help them gorow up to be good cats (though they're pretty rambunctious right now.)
6 months ago
CeejayWriter - I understand. I had the week between Christmas and New Year's off, promised myself I would do some tech work, and ended up sleeping, reading, and playing with the kittens.
6 months ago
lemongrass - I saw that. Hope everything goes well with that. You've been through enough already. (cozy)
6 months ago
CeejayWriter - Otherwise, I'm OK I guess. Trying to get ready for a business trip and am not sure this is really a good time to be flying anywhere, but... at least I'm working and able to pay bills. Can't really complain, can I?
6 months ago
kittens sounds lovely. They’re good for a person. (cozy)
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