Leyton says
6 months ago @Edit 6 months ago
I might have Covid. Exposure was four days ago but I have symptoms and two negative Covid tests so far.
latest #10
Leyton says
6 months ago
No real fever though. Just a sore throat and some sinus stuff. I had my Covid booster like 2 weeks ago.
Hopefully the tests stay negative. Then again make sure you have the latest test kit because I heard some newer strains weren’t testing positive on home tests. People are saying they just feel like they have a cold.
6 months ago
Here a lot of people have been testing negative using a nasal swab but they test positive when doing a throat swab
Leyton says
6 months ago
starfiresilverstar: We used the latest/unexpired ones that the gov. sent out.
Leyton says
6 months ago
Chestnut: Yeah, maybe I’ll swab my throat and nose tomorrow.
h ULee Weener
6 months ago
its that ore you still run a fever when you see your hubbie he might be to hawt for you to handle
Leyton says
6 months ago
Leyton says
6 months ago
Chestnut: Swabbed my nose and throat and still negative!
6 months ago
Good!!! Hopefully its a non covid cold and you will be better soon
Leyton says
6 months ago
Chestnut: That’s what I’m thinking it is.
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