Leyton says
7 months ago
Happy Hanukkah! https://images.plurk.com/4HSUXmCIpJfVZAOaeqg8rI.jpg
latest #12
Happy Hanukkah! That’s a lovely menorah too. Are you using oil in the candle cups?
Dig those dreidels too.
Oxygen Venus
7 months ago
Leyton says
7 months ago
starfiresilverstar: They are oil cups that come pre-filled and you just pop them into the holes instead of candles. We like the look and it’s cleaner too.
Leyton says
7 months ago
It’s really cool. Can they burn for 8 days straight I wonder.
7 months ago

One of 7 that we have. Might use a different one tomorrow night.
Leyton says
7 months ago
Leyton says
7 months ago
ChefKarl: Pretty! This is another one of ours but it doesn’t fit the oil cups. Just candles. https://images.plurk.com/4PF5ODozGRLnAu9GjmUmD5.jpg
7 months ago
happy hannukah! that is super neat with the oil cups
Leyton says
7 months ago
7 months ago
LeytonForest: This one we have thought about using the oil cups because I have to use flame to soften the candle base to stay in the holder and I do not want to mess up the look with foil.
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