brave vespaeria
9 months ago
girl help last night i had eyes on my wireless headphones and did not take them out of the box they were in, like a fool
latest #8
brave vespaeria
9 months ago
anyway dissolving into the couch before i get back to anything but i committed myself to making sweet potatoes (roasted w/carrots and apples), stuffing (i am definitely making my own hell recipe here but i found peeled chestnuts and i wanna use them), and pumpkin roll for thanksgiving
brave vespaeria
9 months ago
got to aldi and frys today...... beans are soaking and laundry's running rn
9 months ago
look at you being all domestic n shit
brave vespaeria
9 months ago
it's so fucked up that having your own space makes you want to do shit
9 months ago
you guys are having a holiday in your own house for the first time beautiful!!!!!!
9 months ago
we're going over to my parents' for thanksgiving but my parents are chill so thats fine
brave vespaeria
9 months ago
yeah lol rar's family is cool
brave vespaeria
9 months ago
also i do not want to make a whole ass Hunk Of Meat and have to commit to finishing the leftovers myself so that's fine
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