Fuchsia Fox
11 months ago
[Aquarium stuff] Went to the local fall auction of fish. Sold off most of my guppies and bought new ones.
Fuchsia Fox
11 months ago
They were getting a bit inbred, so kept 2 of my males and bought some pretty albino reds and Moscow black guppies.
Fuchsia Fox
11 months ago
Pictures to come after I've had a nap... been up since 4am and running on 3 hours sleep. It's now almost 4:20pm and I'm knackered.
Fuchsia Fox
10 months ago
https://images.plurk.com/4fCFRq2TBqc4dRXYnruY3g.jpg https://images.plurk.com/EBD85Xf1126hIe3GKzX5I.jpg https://images.plurk.com/7gW8mw90WmhZPQv5l7dAKa.jpg
Fuchsia Fox
10 months ago
Not the best pictures ever, but new fishies
Fuchsia Fox
10 months ago
The first pic is the delta black guppies, the second pic is of the Moscow blacks and the third are albino reds.