I've been compulsively reading through old Drift Fleet posts and just... being SO SAD that I never got to play out the world plot we'd been building
I was so proud of the setting lmao
I've been consumed with the desire to somehow go back to or complete it or something. I've been literally dreaming about it gfdhkjhjk
SO YEAH stick and I had already agreed that we'd work on D&D content of some kind during November for NaNoWriMo, so... maybe I'll play around with a D&D version of Drift Fleet???
I just want to tell the rest of the story so bad
hehe, I mean you sure could, D&D In Space is close to my heart
right?? I didn't think I'd be into it, but I'm in a game right now where the entire party is just three goblins in space
I don't know how the "fleet" aspect would work in a D&D module, with all of the different boats and NPCs, but I think I can hammer out a way that will work...
I'm already having fun going through posts and gathering up all the world plot hints scattered everywhere~
there were SO MANY. the big hints were made pretty clear for everyone, but we also scattered tiny ones everywhere that were inconsequential if they were missed, but would be fun for the characters if they happened to pick them up
and also the things like the fact that when the SS Caprine joined, it was named that because someone suggested "Mountain Goat" as a name for a ship in the passenger interviews
Ive sorta been wishing I could go back and play in it again with all the discussion abt it lol
and yeah man you missed most of the big world plot drops. Beau and Diamond glitched broadcasts, calibrations, attacks by the foreign fleet
Beau stepping in to replace Diamond for a month after the attacks... because Diamond got... in trouble~
Beau stepping in whenever Diamond would show spikes of emotion just in general lmao
just a little bit of gentle space horror
Ugh calibrations were so fucking good.
There's always systems besides D&D too, if you have trouble making it fit that
I loved doing calibration
D&D is my heartsong, and we're planning on publishing some content for it anyway!
My fondest memories was every time Vash somehow became captain his whole ship would go NO and get him replaced ASAP
I also still have fanart of our ship's sleepover night where everyone gathered in their pjs
I would share it, but I don't have the link to it saved on this mobile
zigzag123: lmaooo I kind of remember that about vash becoming captain. and oh man I dont remember that art!
When I get home I'll try to remember to send it! I don't want to reset the password to the website I have it saved on