1 years ago yes Uggsul that's...that's what I'm doing. You're the dealer ffs.
latest #11
1 years ago
I'm right in front of you, presumably
1 years ago
they and Uggaroo proceed to deal me a 7 off the top of the deck twice in a row. I was wrong immediately both times lmao
Darth Imperious
1 years ago
I haven't been able to get into my Neopets account for something like twenty years. All I remember about this particular game is that it existed. XD;
1 years ago
lmao Tyranu Evavu is literally just higher or lower, which is why immediately drawing a 7 is bad
1 years ago
also it was absolutely worthless on the original Neopets. Thankfully this is Grundo's Cafe, a clone site with QoL changes like making games actually worth their entry fee, a sidebar, alternate colors, and inclusiveness changes like NB pets and redrawing basically ALL the Island pets
1 years ago
I'm not sure how much of any of that you know of or if you're already on it but it's a lot of fun. Their art volunteers are so good at mimicking the style
Darth Imperious
1 years ago
Nah, I'm not on it. I have the feeling, I'd do stuff on it for a while because...neither I nor spellcheck can figure out the spelling, and then wander off. XD;
1 years ago
fair enough! (I can grab a referral code if you ever do want to check it out though)
1 years ago
I have a plushie that's refusing to go poof. I sent a bug report, but feel silly for reporting something so small. It's not like I intend to trade it or have a bunch of pets to bloat a plushie list on (or am even going for a plushie list!), but doesn't look like it's working as intended...
1 years ago
lmaooo okay it really WAS just good RNG - apparently plushies only roll to vanish the first time any given pet plays with them. This one just managed to survive all four of my pets playing with it
1 years ago
where do you get pumpkins to throw at people?
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