Fuchsia Fox
11 months ago
Sits here and makes a journal for an OC, along with a musebox to go with it... Will likely never get to use em, but I miss rp...
latest #10
Fuchsia Fox
11 months ago
At least I'm trying something new...ish?
11 months ago
11 months ago
I'm sorry I'm not as healthy as I'd like to help you rp these things
Fuchsia Fox
11 months ago
Most people I used to play with have lost their rp oomph, so it's not just you. I lost mine for ages so...
Fuchsia Fox
11 months ago
lol I gotta remember how you do this thing called 'finding people' again @@
11 months ago
Well this time of year often rekindles my RP drive, as well as these silly AI giving me a slight confidence boost.
11 months ago
I like to reach out to people I connect with well in memes and things on bakerstreet or tlh
Fuchsia Fox
11 months ago
I may toss you a link on discord later if you want to snoop at the 'in progress' thingy... >.> I've got no smut drive so... Finding people to do 'fun adventure' bs is kinda hard rn. Seems like it's all smut, all the time these days
Fuchsia Fox
11 months ago
I'll toss a link up here on plurk to the journal eventually, but urg, it's in bits and pieces atm. I want it to at least look decently together first...
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