We are going to be traveling from GA/AL location to PA in several days... and
He is clearly in need of a healthy, stable home. Good temperament, no signs of fleas, but nobody around here wants him anymore
We will take him to be checked for a chip but tbh this area is kinda rough so I'm feeling doubtful. We are going to buy a carrier and enough food and comfortable place to lie for a road trip
We fully intend to find a good no-kill shelter as a last resort but wanted to try here first
We sadly cannot afford to do that due to time and money limitations
And he is showing signs of abuse

despite being super cuddly and excited to leap into a lap even with the person sitting in a car......
Did you guys find him roaming around??
Yep he's been following us around all throughout my mom's apartment complex
I wish I could take him, I miss my orange boy.
Nobody else so far will so much as acknowledge him, aside from some... slightly aggressive kids and their dogs :/
So we want to get him out of here and somewhere safe from many kids and dogs
So worth mentioning that he likely won't appreciate a place with anyone/anything loud/hyper
He is VERY typical orange cat lmao...... He legit considered trying to jump through the closed window to get to me while I was inside the car with the lights on jfwjfjskdks
So eager to sit with

He has had food and is now happily drinking water
he was so confused by the water bowl and the food but we eventually helped him figure out that food is okay djajdjs
and then after like ten times of examining the water, walking away, and then examining it he was like "oh shit this stuff is GOOD"
and then after all that he got excited over some toy a kid left in the yard
proceeded to pounce it and play, then groom himself for a while
So a lot of healthy kitty habits even if still a little skittish and confused by being taken care of u.u
if you have any "kill" shelters in your area (which is a terrible term for reasons that are a separate post), reach out and see if they have a free neutering program; a lot of them do it for strays and colonies while no-kills are more likely to make you pay for stray neuters
Best Friends Network also has a map you can check to see if you're going to be in an area where you could get free/low-cost neuter for him if you're interested.
If you're travelling, you might pass through an area where one is available. They seem to be more common the further up the east coast you go.
Such a cute boy, he reminds me of my own orange goofball, I hope he finds a great home!
what a beautiful cat, I hope he finds a good home
i wish i could take him but i cant take on another young energetic cat b/c my older lady is already dealing with a 1 year old
i couldnt make her have two boy kitties harassing her wanting to play haha
We have been talking about another cat so consider us a potential home for him. We live in Baltimore so kinda sorta on the way for you.
I can look into low cost neuter clinics around here as well
Moxana: Oh hey I know Baltimore!
I wouldn't consider that detour out of the way at all if you are able :>
And thank you all so much for suggestions!!!
Negl was ready to cry over how badly I want us to be able to keep him. He is such a good boy
I had hoped we would be on yalls route. He looks so sweet i cant help but wonder if he was dumped rather than born outside
get this boy to a home! <3
A lot of his behavior feels very much like he was dumped, yeah.
Like... if there were a lot of cats here, I'd have a little more room to think he was just born here but no... I have seen maybe two more and they act absolutely nothing like him
Yeah, generally street born cats arent so cozy with people without a lot of coaxing and bribery and it doesnt sound like anyone around yall would be doing either.
I dont suppose yall got any kind of indication how he interacts with other cats?
Playful from what we've seen!
He tried playing with one of the cats there and she was the skittish one, cry
But there was one of us standing there so hard to say how it could have gone. We will be back to mom's tomorrow and I wanna try just sitting there and watching
Maybe chill where we've seen them lurking and hopefully catch a good, solid interaction
Have you tried animal control. Some places give vouchers for neutering. Although you are traveling so that may not work. Lots of great suggestions. I’ll be praying that this sweet ginger boy gets to find his forever home.
tessituras: this could be good, because the young ones will play with each other letting the older one to herself. So great you may consider him.
If he at least shows interest in other cats thats very good ! I was hoping specifically to get another cat to help keep our girl company since we lost our old man some months ago and she had been obsessed with him.
yeah i will have to talk to my husband if
Moxana is unable to take him - i hate thinking of a baby without a home
i would have 5000 cats if it were physically and financially feasible haha i have never seen a cat i didnt love
ah man. if he were okay with dogs. I've been looking for an orange for a while, but I definitely. have big dogs.
if you're swinging toward the eastern side it's close enough
i DO have young kids but if we can figure out whether we can take him we are patient with cats. most cats end up okay in houses with kids for the long term but it takes months to years of settling.
Alas we're at cat capacity but signal boosting
oh god I wish. idk where in PA they're coming, but if it's Philly, contact PAWS in Grays Ferry, they do low cost neutering and shots
I wish we weren't at cat-pacity, he looks and seems amazing, but we've got a cranky old lady and two void siblings who are a handful.
if we weren't about to move...
oh wait. not kid friendly. then i will just hope he finds a good home
Man, I'm in Florida, in the opposite direction they're going. Or I might have considered him a companion for my 10 month old boy, and my dog(who unlike those kid's dogs is super tolerant toward my kitten)

Chilling in the car with him to see how Lap Cat he is and he is
the snuggliest ever

He is practically trying to fuse or something
Safe to say he loves snuggling lmao
Oh sweet boyo
Ohhhhh look at how sweet he is!!
He's going for a ride so we can see how he handles those in advance
he's purring and sniffing curiously
oh man I'm SO reminded of my beautiful son who we found in our carport and just came right up and rubbed against my housemate's shins. he's an absolute cuddlebug too, and an orange. I hope this baby finds as good a home as mine did <3
I live right next to Levittown and if you're not able to find the cat a home before you get there, Bingo's Foundation may be able to help you
I want to take him so badly but I can't with my current living conditions.
What a sweet ginger boy. He is going to make someone so happy. I am continuing to pray he gets his forever home.
My aunt even donated some cat stuff she doesn't need anymore
So, with her help, he has a soft cube bed, litter pan, a flea comb, a leash, and a harness
we got some food for him for the trip, a blanket, and will be getting a proper water bowl
Trip will take at least 2 days but meeting day/time will be depending on his future parents' availability
Yay!! So glad he has a home to go to!!
Every cat deserves a home, I'm glad he found his
i'm so glad the sweet boy has a new home!
Here he comes
im so glad there's a happy ending and the boy has a home
ive fallen in love with this little guy
your aunt is a hero!!! those will be so helpful, and i have a crate on the way to keep him contained until hes all vetted up <3
Oh my goodness, this is such awesome news, yay. I am so happy for that sweet ginger boy.
Oh, good. As the owner of an orange cat, I am glad he is going to a home.
Once we get any potential flea situations controlled he will have free run of the room
he wants out of kitty jail
yay, i'm glad he has a home
here is a plurk with all the pictures we took during the trip if anyone wants to see the evolution from feral to mostly just gremlin
I'm so happy over how this turned out

he wants to be friends with his new sister but not yet buddy
Honestly the most chill cat I've ever found on the street, moments of anxiety aside
free range in the car! already leash-trained!
He took to the leash almost instantly idsjfjsjs it was so surprising
"if they have me all tied up, that means they're not gonna let me go"
he's gonna have a good life
I know if you both were capable of taking him in, you would have
Oh yes u.u Though I feel like he is the type to do best with an older cat to look up to with how quickly he learns via watching
Like... I kept getting this feeling he was trying to mimic us talking with his meows gisjgmsm
He would tone match too well
yeah, he looks pretty young and could do with an older cat "mentor"

future mentor herself

they were meowing through the door
hopefully in a curious-friendly way
she is like "I know what you brought home, now let me see it!"
this story has been so good
aaah, yay! Such a happy ending
Ayasugi_san: seems to be! It was mostly her “why are you in another room without me” meows lol
And ollie was just staring at the door like WHOMST
when we first came in with the carrier she greeted us like normal and then she heard him meow and just Stopped
Little man is doing all the good cat things! Eating drinking peeing pooping woshing playing! Hes even more vocal today and purrs nonstop when he sees us
He and josie are really chorusing
He got to meet my mom today!! Shes very happy to have a grandkitty who isnt super shy like josie, and he loved the attentions
He also waited to eat the last of his lunch until we were home to watch him eat
My mom thinks he might be closer to 6 months and just destined to be a Large Cat so the betting game is on
he has now retreated to his box and is having a lay down
Gave up her plaintive door begging
she wants to know what the baby is!
Moxana: ohhh my orange boy I found outside wants us to watch and guard him while he eats too T_T
Moxana: Oh my goodness, your girl makes me think of my boy so much xD
she screamed at my door of f and on all tonight until I came downstairs
to be clear she isn't with me. she just wanted me accessible
idk where the heck she went
oh I just had to publicly shame her for her to come get on my lap

so neglected
Moxana: This is my young naughty pain in the butt boy, lol. 10 months old
Lookit that little beauty mark!!
I cant believe josie is 7 she acts like a young cat
Little Oliver got flea meds! Took the pill like a champ! Unfortunately cant get in for an appointment until oct 19 but maybe something will open up
which is reasonable because he is fucking stinky
i was told male cats who hadn't been fixed yet were especially stinky but i had never Experienced it and now i'm like wow you're right that cat sure can stinky
himb gotta get everything clean
He is SO stinky. I even used wipes to clean him right before giving him to you guys and was like "this did Nothing other than offend you"
hope he loses some stink once he loses his balls
i think this means he's a little older because my little boy cat at 7 months did not have the stink yet
yeah like. it is not his FAULT he's stinky he is just naturally a stinky man
plus he's like... eating and drinking healthy amounts and using the litterbox often and i would rather that than the opposite
we've moved him into ein's room now so josie can get into my room to maybe like... make her less obnoxious and instead now she is just whining about not being allowed into ein's room
she must be allowed everywhere!
do not close the doors! let them be open!
(this is my orange's opinion on doors)
Well his scent is all over your room, so also gives her a chance to get a smell of his stinkyness? lol
Hes so fastidious he loves to wosh himself
But he also is one of those VERY slurpy cleaners lol he makes so much noise
everyone must know he does bath!

see how neglected she is. absolute lump
how dare you treat her this way
what a precious baby...!! i'm so glad he's getting a home ; u;
our calico was like that, she was a housecat that was just dumped on the streets... she's declawed too and it was the middle of winter so it was just awful, i can't imagine doing that
sweet baby boy deserves somebody who will love for him and care for him
I am deeply feeling some kinda way about Ollie perching on the same shoe rack my old man Mouko had been obsessed with
aww. i'm glad he's safe and happy (and stinky)
oh... he's also a shoe....
I don’t know why learning he’s stinky is so cute but it is
I just love this little guy
Stinky trouble nugget boy
you just have to love him and his stink
his stink is his love overflowing
Love is stored in the stinky boy
Got in an appointment for tomorrow with one of the super local places! So checkup very soon!
he's realized he can jump the babygate
so I've had to catch him mid scramble multiple times
So cute omg he looks like he’s smiling in that last pic
what a sweet little baby man
how long until he's free from one room confinement?
At least until we are sure he doesn’t have anything communicable he can leave around the house for the other cat to pick up. Then we can rotate some who is free and who is contained where
Josie is a fussy girl and will need a slow introduction so we cant just let them together even after obligatory new cat quarantine is over
my orange from outside had the same thing, we kept him locked up until we could make sure he didn't have FeLV or something, and then he had to take turns with run of the house because his brother was afraid of him
Awww, looks like a happy boy even at the vet. Will see if he stays that way afterward, lol
He didnt even react to getting needled he was too busy eating his bribe churro
He is diagnosed a handsome and healthy young man
Blood test results later today and stool sample Later
he also has an appt to remove the balls

ollie and josie are eating together now! They’ve had some nose to nose sniffs and play sometimes by bapping under the door. Josie is not yet convinced but shes much less fussy about him now
he has a glorious smile when upside down
oh my god that's so emote worthy lmao
Right??? I made it into a discord emote
he is so happy to have soff things to roll on he must grin
He is such a sweet, handsome, precious ginger boy.
What a sweet boy with a sweet grin. I love him so much
awww, I'm happy the lil guy got a home

hes such a lover, but also so mischief!!! Everything should be on the floor, he thinks. Also food Always All The Time He Will Sing For It. Hes so silly. He loves feather teasers he is shredding the ones we have to bits lol
He has zoomed out of containment a couple of times and both times he got smacked by Josie for his efforts. I think he startled her! It didn’t get worse than the one smack, then going separate ways so definitely not bad. Just facepalm
He’s so adorable, I’m glad he’s settling in well.

the crime

the criminal

That is the face of a boy who has NEVER committed a crime in his life how dare? X3
He didn’t commit that crime how dare you
he is SUCH a handsome little man