1 years ago
After a week of being too sick to step outside I went on a walk and to the library yesterday.
latest #10
1 years ago
Then my energy crashed a bit but I think it was good!
1 years ago
Yesterday was so beautiful- very much an early Midwestern autumn: the maples just beginning to turn orange at the very tops, and the sky pale blue and the wind just cool, not chilly yet.
1 years ago
Today it's quiet drippy cloudy and that's beautiful too.
1 years ago
(I'm a little annoyed about missing the conjunction of Venus and the moon, but the great thing about a casual interest in astronomy is that things do keep orbiting and there's always something beautiful and interesting coming up to look forward to)
1 years ago @Edit 1 years ago
draws hearts around you!
unoiled snake
1 years ago
yay walk!
1 years ago
transilience - /draws hearts back
1 years ago
honeyfoot - it was a really nice walk! The Mikey Dog was very excited because we let him make decisions about which way we went a bunch!
unoiled snake
1 years ago
awww, that's so sweet!
all the way
1 years ago
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