1 years ago
[Domestic Animals] Good news! We got Eliza into the vet yesterday -
latest #12
1 years ago
And her missing lower canine is a baffling mystery, bc her gums and all her other teeth look really good, but there's no sign of actual trauma
1 years ago
And she doesn't have a lung infection, just the last remnants of some sort of viral thing in her nose.
1 years ago
AND her bloodwork all came back normal, so she's probably not got hyperthyrodism!
1 years ago
a healthy skinny old kitty! who likes her heating pad! Is the Eliza.
Many mistakes
1 years ago
this is the news we like to see re: old cats!
1 years ago
the best kind of old cat news!
1 years ago
(what did you even do to your tooth miss eliza)
1 years ago
Eliza, asleep on her heating pad: that's for me to know, and you to never find out
all the way
1 years ago
Happy for Miss Eliza and her health!
1 years ago
anothersadsong - she says Now Nan Will Stop Worrying And Just Give Me ALL THE PATS
all the way
1 years ago
Something to look very forward to indeed!
1 years ago
Good Eliza should get all the pets, at least for a while!
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