1 years ago
https://images.plurk.com/11C0F8v62x1CyyEMgCHMmG.jpg he’s at a pet store and not the shelter 😭
latest #18
1 years ago
I know the humane society partners with these pet stores to help get animals adopted but it just seems so sad there! Also less volunteers to play with him and take care of him 😭
1 years ago
I need someone to adopt him immediately or my heart will implode help
1 years ago
Awwwww he will get his new home soon I’m sure
If I live close enough I would rush over right now\
1 years ago
awww i so wish i lived there, id adopt him in a heartbeat
1 years ago
Mmw Strangelove
1 years ago
My kitty was doing a turn at the petsmart hotel when I met him. I was not intending to get a cat, but I saw him in there and it was love at first sight! Seriously, I walked out of there, immediately hit the ATM and took a cash bribe to my landlord to allow it.
Mmw Strangelove
1 years ago
I wouldn't have found him otherwise because I didn't mean to! So I would never be at the shelter. I was getting some stuff done at fedex and walked through just to see animals on my way back to the car.
Mmw Strangelove
1 years ago
It's good they do that sometimes. My guy is was the hardship case - older, used to be feral, health issues. The visibility boost really helped him. And me!
Mmw Strangelove
1 years ago
I'm sure someone will find him so fast like this. Don't worry. <3
1 years ago
That does make me feel a bit better! You’re right, the right person for him might just not know they’re looking for him until they find him
Mmw Strangelove
1 years ago
He'll show someone all that new belly fur and they will swoop him up!
1 years ago
1 years ago
Here's hoping someone wonderful sees him
1 years ago
mine was the same way!! i wasn't intending to get a cat, just wanted to stop in with my mom to take a look at the cute kittens. Chester caught my eye and i had to have him. now 15 years later, i can't imagine life without him. someone is going to find Chicken Nugget and give him the best home.
Caroline Apollo
1 years ago
I always check out the cats when at petsmart!
1 years ago
Thank you all for making me feel better about this!
1 years ago
I got my last 2 babies at petsmart too. I always check there, and that photo of him si adorable
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