1 years ago
we cuddled in the car and now I weep on my drive home
latest #9
1 years ago
ellie bellie
1 years ago
Izzie Bizzie
1 years ago
1 years ago
Oh no, I didn't realise, I'm gutted , I hope our nugget gets a wonderful home.
Renee Harvy
1 years ago
I'm so glad you are willing to take on that pain on their behalf.
Alicia ✿
1 years ago
1 years ago
thanks guys, today is my crying all day day. I’m going to wait a few hours to take his kitten apartment apart just in case he needs to come back for any medical reasons, but I already sent in picture and a write-up for the website, I also took him in early so he’d be one of the first of the day so he’ll be on the adoption floor for longer 😭
1 years ago
i hug you.
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