2 years ago
My sister is in the icu and I'm about to get on a flight to go see her. I am going to need to up my self distraction game the next few days. If you've got threads going with any of mine, tags are extra appreciated. If you want to start one, yes please! If you have non-rp ideas for distraction I'm taking those too
latest #40
2 years ago
The book that I've got with me is not working very well, unfortunately
2 years ago
oh no!! hope everything works out ok
broken 🗲 fuse
2 years ago
2 years ago
Thanks guys
2 years ago
I really hope she recovers
2 years ago
oof, hope everything goes as well as it can!
(Nuzzles) Take it easy.
Make sure to take care of yourself, and hope your sister will be okay.
2 years ago
Thanks. I hope she gets better too. Her fever broke at least so that's good
2 years ago
I hope she makes a quick recovery, best of luck.
2 years ago
2 years ago
visible snoot
2 years ago
oh dear! I hope she gets better quickly!
Pen Again
2 years ago
Zigzag Stampede
2 years ago
I hope she can recover quickly. I got really into Sudoku for a while when I needed a distraction
^^^^^ Sudoku and different versions of Solitaire are my go-to.
Zigzag Stampede
2 years ago
It didn't require a LOT of brain power unless I went to a hard level, but just enough to distract/pass time
I have this one app that’s just logic puzzles, the ones on a grid? Those are a lot of fun
broken 🗲 fuse
2 years ago
Meow tower which is picross with a story and cats
broken 🗲 fuse
2 years ago
It's very cute
picross is an amazing time sink and distraction for me... I highly recommend it
Pen Again
2 years ago
I don't have a lot of time-sink games to offer (I tend to do crosswords and like sporcle quizes and sudokuSaturday Sudoku Quiz Playlist)
Pen Again
2 years ago
but if you have trouble sleeping or just want to try to tune things out on a plane or in wherever, white noise playlists on spotify are excellent, as is this appBetterSleep | Sleep better. Feel Better.where you can make your own white noise playlists of rain or whatever for free
2 years ago
ooh interesting. I'll check those out.
2 years ago
Update on my sister: she's on 40% O2 and still intubated. Chest scans showing possible pneumonia. I had been really hoping she'd be improving enough to be without the ventilator by now
2 years ago
oh.... :-(
2 years ago
well, I hope she's able to fight it off soon....
2 years ago
hoo. pneumonia is rough.
2 years ago
I hope she beats it soon.
2 years ago
I am more than willing to help however I can.
Oh gosh. I hope she’s able to recover soon
Zigzag Stampede
2 years ago
Sending good thoughts your way. I hope she recovers soon
2 years ago
Good update today. They just came in and took out the tube. She's still on the really high O2 but her throat isn't all swollen up and interfering with her breathing anymore
2 years ago
I wish the hospital wasn't over an hour away though. I got to sit through an hour of being lectured about my weight and how I needed to exercise an hour at least every day and how I was going to turn into a 600lb person who couldn't even walk and would die at 60. and sob
2 years ago
I need something to do on car rides so I can ignore my mom's rants
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