2 years ago
[fire emblem] Hot take? If you are bragging about playing on classic but save scum every single death anyway, you are just playing casual with extra steps.
2 years ago
Like, this is specifically directed at the people being really smug about playing on classic
2 years ago
if you just LIKE that style, thats fine, but like, don't think you are somehow better than casual players. Some of us just don't have the free time to waste savescumming anymore.
2 years ago
"It must be nice to have that much disposable time that you can afford to do that."
2 years ago
But the rest of us GOT SHIT TO DO.
2 years ago
And like, with any difficulty bragging I'm just like? Did you do this because you enjoy playing that way or did you do it because it makes you feel superior? Because I can only really respect one of those.