1 years ago
life update: lots of suck going on. out of my home for over a month, still no move back date, but my landlords are raising my rent $150/mo. And I'm having my ankle fused in two weeks, 6-8 weeks no weight on it to follow. Upside: lots of support for the surgery.
latest #13
Squeak =^..^=
1 years ago
:-( and (cozy)
1 years ago
Yikes! I think I missed a lot of news!
Squeak =^..^=
1 years ago
I don't think it was broadcast as such, Tanarian.
T. A. Lowery
1 years ago
1 years ago
1 years ago
(cozy) Sounds like a lot of ugh
Ceejay Writer
1 years ago
I'm glad you're getting the support you need. May the situations work out for you soon.
1 years ago
1 years ago
1 years ago
Tanarian There was a big tidal storm here on 12/23 and a number of homes or basements (like the one in my building with all the electric and furnace there) flooded. The $150 gouging is just my slumlords using the repairs as an excuse, and the rental market is so tight here they have us over a barrel.
1 years ago
The ankle is fairly rapid onset (and intensely painful) osteoarthritis in a joint I broke 20 years ago.
1 years ago
Thanks for all the hugs. My current spiritual discipline is not saying "I"m okay" when I'm not. The corollary is remembering to let people know and taking in the love.
1 years ago
Thank you for the quick summary. You have my sympathies and 2nd-hand indignation.
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