1 years ago
Today was windy and rainy. I had cataract surgery on my L eye at the end of September. I had to wait 3 wks to get a new eyeglass prescription because a week later I got Covid. I have all my boosters, but I had to have gotten sick just before the 2 weeks were up after the
last vaccine.
1 years ago
Anyway, my new eyeglasses were ready yesterday, so today we went to Costco in Grafton, WI to pick them up. I can see so much better now.
1 years ago
Covid vaccine 9/23/22. Eye surgery 9/29/22. Symptoms of Covid showed up on 10/7/22. It's been an interesting 6 weeks or so.
1 years ago
Much better now. If Covid wasn't going around, I wouldn't have worried about what I had. I did test though and did stay in my room for the next week or so. I work at a school, so they didn't want me at school that week.