I came away from my Disney days with lovely memories, plus a nasty head cold, my first in 2 years. That always used to happen when I didn't take care of my throat after screaming on rollercoasters & getting soaked on water rides. It feels strangely freeing to be sick, but not with Covid 😳
never been. I would have been interested in the science expo many decades ago and probably the faux architecture but not the "entertainment" or food & drink or the fancy dress characters.
sef_lopod: My favorite part is the creative inspiration - just walking around and studying how people imagine, make, and manage things 😁 Even the maintenance and crowd control protocols are fascinating!
the thing which came up recently (in the Florida Disney dispute) is how much they need to have control of their own bin services, sewage etc and not just a private police service in order to uphold their standards of cleanliness compared with any local area in which they reside.
thinking the obvious online US places I might have been hearing people discuss it would be Beau Of The Fifth Column, FreeThought Blogs or Seth Meyers. It was a while back though, before the next spat when DeSantis deported a bunch of people to Martha's Vineyard.