Please remember to post the full text of your app in a new comment to the applications post itself. No links to external entries, please. Thank you, and we'll see you soon!
Writing My Sample As We Speak
Fantastic! We're looking forward to reading it!
you might be now but you'll regret it
aaaaaaand now I'm juggling titles eternally in my head
Don't worry, I struggled to come up with a clever one for Adorabat but failed in the end and just came up with one that describes her uncleverly
I had to give the canon summary a comment all to itself. Thanks a lot, stupid useless Pretty Cure wiki.
oh god [pats you soundly on the head]
I've chatted with quite a few people on Discord about regains and just want you to know everyone is nice and has great backup ideas and do not worry
we had
very silly titles in round 1 so do not worry about that either
(Andrusi was in R1 of course, this just applies to anyone reading)
And then there's me, who decided to give Hunter the most humiliatingly funny title ever.
my title is stupid but I couldn't think of anything better
I came up with a pun, sort of
Ye, since these titles are gonna be used ICly, I wanted to give him a title he would (not) appreciate!
in r1 I used an actual tv trope from her (team's) listing but none of reika's worked for me so I had to [gasp!] come up with something myself!

just need to finsih my sample and one more regain
>Ms. Genius Prosecutor Successor to Manfred von Karma, Franziska von Karma
oh shit this is happening
i'm considering whether i should app but i think i should give it a shot
oop, got mine in! anya's there!
MAN i just realized i could have said "yasu yasoon"
an ya girl is gonna be there too
this might be an awful decision but i'm going to give it a shot anyway

you're gonna be great kid!!
Who's excited for all the animal people to annoy the prefect?
The prefect begins to question their life choices.
I can see either all the animals being killed off first, or all of the animals making survivpr pool
Though the latter would be hilarious
The animals are the new teens
(For those new to CW: In Round 1 the teens killed each other off one by one while my character Numbuh One from Kids Next Door was like "SEE? THEY'RE EVIL!" One kid finally did a kill and then there was only one teen left, and she got tried and executed for killing an NPC)
(well, one teen and dark dream)
Dark Dream is confusing for everyone
she would be confusing if she was in this round too. Does she count as human or other?
Then again that's risky to ask for a lot of these people. LOL
In Shaman King they regularly say "humans and shamans"...
all i have to say is that 'yue hates teens' or some variation was on the google doc for the case where a kid killed two of the three remaining teens
the real question is how many R2s actually count as human
See Hunter's TDM toplevel.
Hunter's nose is drawn a bit unusual so this entire time I thought he was an animal
how many people have animal regains as well...
The prefect might have a bad time
I thought about putting Noise in the gacha but that would just be mean while we are unpowered lol
I mean do we know how old Sans is