We also wanted to let everyone know that the application text has been slightly revised; a section from the previous version of the app was left in the textarea code. It has now been removed to match the version posted on the applications page. If you're a fast study and have already started your app, please make sure you have the correct version! Thank you!
(Mod Shay apologizes for her editing oversight there. Thanks for your patience!)
Oh shit I set an alarm and still almost forgot
we currently have fifteen slots left!
Just slammed myself in there
/me slams character in and hopes he gets spot
yep, we still have plenty of slots left for those who want to enroll
Come on, folks! only 9 more slots before we can run the game
i love that 101 dalmation street was the first to fill up
This is what happens when you co-ordinate with your castmates
eight slots until our minimum of twenty is reached
.......I'm tempted to do something stupid
graygriffin: she's going to be so happy and confused about having long, pretty blond hair and she is going to trip over it so many times
This appears to be a very interesting cast of characters so far
Edward Cullen, of all people... Very interesting cast so far
a twilight vampire AND a castlevania
Request to have Esward cullen be a living disco ball
I mean he could just go to the playground in broad daylight
if he gets out in actual natural unfiltered sunlight he is going to be a disco ball yes
the movies got it very wrong it is extremely noticable
anyway yeah in sunlight it less looks like he's been bathing in urban decay glitter spray and more like he potentially caught on fire, actually
I mean he's gonna catch someone's eyes on fire.
turns out there's some other vampires and he just kills them with the castoff sunlight accidentally
this is a situation i never considered
would the playground turn into a rave disco party. (I will answer that question when Shay wakes up, since we need to converse)
also we have eight slots open--i had to do some errands but we have a hedgehog to add to the mix as well
lol i threw a question on the faq about that and similar situations
yep, that's what I'm referring to as well
this is a good round for the nonhuman characters huh? LOL sanic!!
Chuckling at the profile page where it says the prefect dislikes animals
The Prefect will have a lovely time, it's fine.
Imagine the refect running after sonic while sonic's going YOU'RE TOO SLOW YOU'RE TOO SLOW
Whoops. Half the students look like animals
I would like to say we need a minimum of three more players
There’s no rush since we have until next Sunday for the reserves to close.
Would it be possible to shorten and run as is? 17 isn't a bad number for a MG
Hopefully we meet the target but I would be happy if it was an option. Been really looking forward to this
I don’t think we’re at that stage yet, Des.
I know I've seen a couple of other people looking at the game who haven't reserved yet
emma crying internally because half the students don't have normal human lips
Jeanne: I can't wait to get into the Iron Maiden and conceal my entire face behind a sturdy iron mask
Jeanne: ... perhaps not
Replurked to my TL! We still need three more people!
There are still eight slots open.
honestly i think this was partially a tragedy of timing since that two week mg opened for reserves literally a day before this game
I don’t think there’s a need for that. There’s plenty of time left
There were about 21 people's comments on the interest check a month before that other game was even announced, so I can understand that it's taking a little while to get a critical mass of confirmations.
I'd be really happy to have confirmation that the game will run, but I also hope that this will give people who didn't set alarms for the reserves a good opportunity
Ooh a Luz. Her and Adorabat would get along so well together
And six; Leah with Thomasin.
Six slots still open. Also I would like to say please don’t panic, anyone.
There’s still plenty of time to reserve.
Happy Friday, everyone! Let this bump serve as a last call reminder. You have about 24 hours to slide a reserve in. We have 4 slots left before we reach max cap. Reserves will close tomorrow 8/6 at noon EST if you'd like to sneak one in!
hello friends please join us
we will have a good time with nothing sad
death, children, and a lack of sad