Already annoyed by role quests (please just give me reminders of where the next one is when I qualify for it, please), but VERY interested in the new crafting/gathering stuff
Trusts are amazing, I've been sad about not having my squadron since level 50, so this was great
They could really use the squadrons "go attack that" feature though
definitely do the crafting/gathering story quests
the shared FATEs thing is cool, though I can't help wanting it to be a bit more guildwarsy, like I feel incentivizing doing so many fates in the zone should lead to those fates forming a strong mini-narrative as a result, but they seem as mostly-disconnected as ever, seems like a missed opportunity
I don't know if the XP changes they did for endwalker or what but I'm keeping three jobs right at story-quest level with no issue just completing a zone before moving on.
which is nice, because the role quests (i really need to find where I left the ranged magic guy)
still need to get tank up for that one because heaven forbid I leave a quest behind
I kind of want to get to endwalker before the island comes out but im deliberately avoiding thinking about that as much as possible because nothing burns me out on an mmo faster than rush to progress.
pixies are adorable and i really hope this dream land beast tribe thing that opened up is something like, worth the space they've devoted to it, if it ends up being just a big empty space with doors that light up to indicate progress I'll be a little peeved, cause theres so much potential there.
enjoy the journey, please don't rush
The pixiie manic dream land does in fact get filled up with stuff
there are several fate chains that form a narrative, in ShB in particular there's one per map, but the spawns are a bit complicated. some of the chains take a 20 min or so break in the middle and others the final event won't spawn unless a hidden internal timer is up
(because it's the equivalent of a world boss)
it's very hard to get the full lakeland chain to spawn and i'm not sure why, it's not world boss tier. i can consistently get Il Mheg, Amh Araeng, and Rak'tika to spawn but Lakeland is such a pain
Ooo, I'll have to keep an eye out
there's also fate chains in previous expacs and the base game too