Eunice blew rooftiles off of our roof. Wind is still too strong to go up and repair. Last night it started raining and water poured down our wall in the living room. We moved all furniture and artworks and put towels on the floor, lovely job at midnight. Its still raining and storm so the water is still coming in and nothing we can do but mop...and mop...😔
it's really stormy again and won't stop. It's annoying and frustrating because all we can do is mop and keep towels on the floor. Luckily we have a stone floor, no carpets, so the only damage is the wall, for now. Hopefully the weather is good enough tomorrow to get someone up on the roof to fx it
And back to code orange! Heavy rain and wind oh joy. I can hear the water dripping, changing towels every 2 hours...we turned on our Dyson ventilator on hot air, so its getting hot ...