2 years ago
So! Current status. I have a surgery scheduled on the 17th of February to remove a tumor from one of my kidneys. As you can probably tell from the content warning, it is thought to be cancerous. However the prognosis looks good.
latest #38
2 years ago
First: It was apparently caught really, really early. We were doing a scan to find out what the HECK is up with my immune system... Aaand proceeded to find that by accident instead!
A very exciting September (October maybe?) indeed.
2 years ago
Second: It's apparently a cancer that typically moves quite slowly. Like. If I were in my 70's or 80's they'd consider giving it some time to see what it did because at that age you may live longer if you don't risk losing an organ, you know?
2 years ago
Third: Assuming my body doesn't full any funny business, like deciding that blood belongs outside of my organs, I should only lose part of the kidney!

Fourth: I'm young, and my other kidney is incredibly healthy, so if I DO lose one I probably won't need dialysis.
2 years ago
So. Obviously there are some risks. As mentioned above my body might decide to go bleed-crazy and I might lose one of the kidneys, which can have complications of its own. There's a super low risk of the surgery itself killing me. Lower than for my heart surgery.
2 years ago
Which like, I am superlative in all the WORST ways, so it's still very, very heavy in my mind that I might die to some incredibly uncommon surgical error, but that's just how it goes.
2 years ago
I will quite possibly be going in to the hospital a week ahead of the surgery to prep my body for everything - my heart problems make complications more likely and they want to minimize the risk - but I'll know that closer to the date.
2 years ago
One thing that has been deeply amusing is that with this news I have had several medical practitioners tell me more or less that my body is a nightmare and that they are amazed that I am so chipper.

I didn't tell them it's how I cope with trauma, because it's funnier that way.
2 years ago
And lastly... Thank you to everyone I met here. That whole thing where we were looking into my immune system's nonsense? That started because some of y'all bullied(fond) me into communicating with my doctors about this. So RP and the relationships forged during it literally have saved my life.
If it helps, my grandmother was born with only one kidney and she never needed dialysis. I will be praying for you and I hope this is the end of your medical nightmare. You've been through plenty!
2 years ago
The funniest part is that this is not the first time the bonds forged through RP have saved me, as I am currently living with someone I started RPing with while we pretended to be pokemon characters on twitter. AND I was recced to DWRP by another person I met during pokemon twitter RP.
2 years ago
tiger_eyes: This is actually incredibly relieving!
Yes, kidneys are powerful and all you really need is one healthy one to do the job. :3
(Eat the candy)
2 years ago
oh gosh... im sure the surgery will go fine but it's totally understandable to be very nervous! but i'm really glad they got it early, ahhh
(Eat the candy)
2 years ago
and agreed, RP and the friendships you make through it are very good. ive met so many wonderful people through it too
2 years ago
Also my medical nightmare is likely ongoing, but at this point I've got so much shit going on that my doctors seem to deeply appreciate the fact that I am very bouncy and apparently funny about it, so I trust they will do their best for my not only for the sake of their professional careers but also to avoid getting shit from the OTHER doctors who like me.
You're a fighter. I have full faith that you will get all the answers you need and treatment to help you feel your best.
2 years ago
inepticons: Oh absolutely! Like. I don't know too many people who can say they've had their lives saved in a very literal sense by RP friendships, but at this point that's a very appreciated bonus to the ability to meet such amazing and wonderful people!
2 years ago
tiger_eyes: Mm! If nothing else I will do my best, and I have a lot of people in my corner for when I can't mediate for myself.
2 years ago
oh man all the best
2 years ago
ch1ps0h0y: Thank you! I am using the power of all the good wishes sent my way to power my never-ending march against my body's idea of a good time XD
You've got this. I'll be ready to celebrate when you're up and about after surgery.
2 years ago
Me too! I'm looking forward to being able to RP more after recovery XD Due to all the stuff related to the whole situation I've not been able to keep up with RP like... At all.
dad had renal cell carcinoma so if you have questions hit me up
2 years ago
komikbookgeek: Thank you! I'm sure I'll have some after some sleep!
ok. I'm here
ghost lecturer
2 years ago @Edit 2 years ago
oh lord, this is so much! I'm sorry, shannon.
that said catching it early and just being able to address it with surgery is a great sign! I am sure you'll get through!
chreepy 🎃
2 years ago
thank you for the update. I'll be keeping you in my thoughts, hoping for no complications and a speedy recovery
shifty & hooded
2 years ago
Boo @ cancer, yay @ the prognosis
shifty & hooded
2 years ago
Sucks that you gotta deal with it at all but really glad it seems not so bad as these things go
2 years ago
komikbookgeek: I suppose my first question would be, how did they find it, and at what time in its growth?
2 years ago
paperbacks: On the plus side, once I get top surgery I'll officially have a TONNE of cool scars now that this one is certain! I am very hopefull!
2 years ago
millennialfalcon: Thank you! I appreciate it! I will be keeping every well wish in mind!
2 years ago
effervescible: Oh agreed completely! Like. Baisically was told 'this is the best possible prognosis you can get while still having cancer'. So I'm hopeful!
he had pneumonia and a sharp eyed rad tech saw a mass at the bottom of the CT image. so they did an abdominal scan and his left kidney had a snowman shaped mass
removing it was still a stage 2 but they were able to remove the entire tumor and most of the kidney safely within a couple months.
2 years ago
That's good to hear! How was his recovery?
he was sore for a week or two but it wasn't bad. he was able to got home in two days
he felt a LOT better - able to gain weight and not a fatigued
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