3 years ago
[ffxiv] I am really overloaded on quests that are "go do X dungeon/trial" at the moment and its very unmovating. Like, I get it, its the meat of the content, but I just have SO MANY and so little energy for the stress of grouping.
latest #10
Where are you at in the game?
3 years ago
I just wrapped up the heavensward core content the other day, so I've been collecting all the stuff that popped up as soon as I did that
3 years ago
I'm just like....just let me take my serpent squad everywhere and do things at my own pace, game, I promise I have a lot more fun slowly wandering around a dungeon with them than going 100000 miles an hour with a pug
Ah yeah, whenever you finish an expac, those quests pop up everywhere...
You don't have to do them all
May I suggest taking a break from the story? You may enjoy doing some crafting. The Hildibrand sidequests are great. Some Palace of the Dead. Or just become an addict gmabler in the gold saucer
When I first played the game, varying stuff helped tons
3 years ago
Oh believe me, crafting and hildibrand are ALWAYS the priority, but I always have trouble moving on to new areas without clearing out the existing one, so like, eventually all thats left is a pile of the stuff I least want to do, lol
3 years ago
i did have a fun time changing my chocobos color, and it came out as a better one than what i was aiming for
3 years ago
i ended up deciding to do fates for relicy stuff for a bit
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