3 years ago
[drwho] So I finally saw the newer seasons and it took me so much less time to accept jodie as the doctor compared to capaldi (it took like nine episodes with him).
3 years ago
I really appreciated the little nods to other doctors she put in her performance especially right away.
3 years ago
Also someone I know was constantly complaining about the new companions being not emotionally developed and ??? I dont see it?
3 years ago
Their writing is more subtle, like, there are a lot of scenes where you read the emotions through body language and delivery rather than in the dialog itself and maybe thats their issue?
3 years ago
Some episodes WERE written to be a little anvilicious, but I give that the pass of this world being what it is and some anvils needing to be dropped.
3 years ago
Random side though before I get pulled into this meeting: Yaz is kidnapped or relocated often enough that if it were star trek shed definitely be bridge crew.