3 years ago
Random ask: anyone have good book recommendations about China? I'm looking for higher level cultural info, like if you were going to travel and want to learn the norms or why people do what they do. Nothing too in-depth like analyzing the cultural revolution or other historical events.
latest #26
3 years ago
Not a book but laowhy86/serpentza/advchina have some interesting perspectives about these topics.
3 years ago
no but i’ve been to china many times, i can answer questions
3 years ago
in general i would recommend lonely planet travel books
3 years ago
Dysfunctionality omgwtfbarb Thanks for the recommendations! I’m just curious to learn more about every day stuff, like tech, dating culture, school, etc. Really broad topics that I just don’t even know all the questions too lol.
3 years ago
I’m also watching a lot of Chinese shows and movies lately, and sometimes I feel like there are jokes or other things that go way over my head.
3 years ago
Consider any electronics that you take with you to be disposable and toss then upon return.
3 years ago
(If they're ever taken out of your sight or anyone ever plugs anything into them)
3 years ago
dkronfeld: ...what? why?
3 years ago
RealThyme: are you going to China?
3 years ago
omgwtfbarb: Authoritarian/totalitarian regime with one of the world's best offensive cyber-espionage capabilities and a track record of using it against western interests and leveriging it against its own people is why. Cybersecurity is what I do for a living and not a single person in the field that I know would trust a device that's been in the hands...
3 years ago
... of an agent of the Chinese government.
3 years ago
i mean sure, but that’s not what you said initially
3 years ago
i’ve been to China many times and no government person has ever even touched a tech device of mine
3 years ago
i don’t even know when or how that would occur, unless you work for the government? definitely don’t need to throw away any tech you bring with you.
3 years ago
unless you plan on going on Weibo or WeChat and talking shit about the government, then driving yourself to a police station. maybe then.
3 years ago
We've had incidents of devices being "inspected" at airports. I'm not accountable for your security though; it's your call as to how careful you want to be. This is free, more or less unsolicited advice from some random guy on the Internet, so take it for what it's worth :-)
3 years ago
Perhaps reading contemporary Chinese fiction in translation will give you a feel for the society, if that's what you're looking for
12 Incredible Chinese Novels in Translation
3 years ago
omgwtfbarb Probably not any time soon, but I would love to one day. More just a general curiosity about another Asian country I haven't had the chance to go to yet.
3 years ago
dkronfeld I've seen that you're pretty much in the system as soon as you enter the country though, since that's when they take your picture.
3 years ago
CajsaLilliehook I'll take a look, thanks!
3 years ago
RealThyme: I more or less assume that too, but then my car’s picture (and mine) are taken every time I drive across the border into your country too :-)
3 years ago
when entering China from Hong Kong, my photo was taken and i was also fingerprinted (which i really didn’t want to be, but essentially had no choice as we didn’t have a translator).
3 years ago
that’s only ever happened that one time tho. entering from the US, and from Taiwan have not been photographed (in any obvious way) or fingerprinted.
Allegory says
3 years ago
leave or enter any country, your passport is scanned and there are cameras in every airport everywhere. there are cameras on the streets in most countries as well- you're "in the system" unless you choose to live off the grid, and that's not easy. but that's very different from your devices EVER being out of your hands in a country that has a rep for
Allegory says
3 years ago
surveillance software.
3 years ago
right, i just meant i wasn’t like separately/purposefully photographed the same way i was when i entered via HK.
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