3 years ago
Confession, I love crazy impractical nails. I can’t have them on myself but ohhhh the eye candy.
latest #10
3 years ago
same... i can't stand long nails on myself but i love looking at them
3 years ago
i have ridiculous impractical nails in sl to make up for it lol
Fαωn Dεω
3 years ago
this is big mood, its why I always have pretty long sparkly ones in SL
Ara Forte
3 years ago
I love them in RL and SL. I guess in RL I have been one to have impractical long nails but I do love me some good nail porn
3 years ago
I love the Japanese ones that have all the little gems and stuff on them
Andel Rhiadra
3 years ago
Daeberethwen: SAME
I love that my super power is having stupid long nails.
3 years ago
SanuraSnowpaw: I'm so jealous, can't get mine to grow even almond length... but how do you type, open soda cans, manage cords, wash dishes, file paper, wash your hair, take off your bra, or get things out of your purse? These are all things I've broken nails on recently.
Dysfunctionality: they are fake, they rarely grow that long. and I can't explain how I do somethings its just my superpower lol plus years of practice.
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