3 years ago
Here’s an example of today’s stupidity. My state health department has been banging on about “go outside, get some sunshine and exercise, it’s good for you” forever. Today they posted “hey computer gaming can be important for social contact and mental health, what’s your fave?” And some idiot in the comments immediately takes offence..
latest #8
3 years ago
WhY aRenT yOu TeLLinG peOplE to gO oUtsIde? WhaTs WItH gOiNg OUtSiDe? We aRe aLl gOiNg tO caTcH cOvId!? heAveN fOrbiD!!!!! clutches pearls
3 years ago
It’s so exhausting.
3 years ago
Like.. she was going to go outside, and then she read that post and her brain fused and suddenly the Facebook overlords were telling her that outside was UNACCEPTABLE
3 years ago
Asia Ristow
3 years ago
Some people just wanna be angry. All the time. At anything. I’m willing to bet if the post was about being outside they would have flipped out too.
3 years ago
Maybe the health department needs to make a post about how being angry about everything all the time is bad for one's mental and physical health
3 years ago
Wow, I agree. Some people just wanna be mad about anything and everything.
Vic Lenoirre
3 years ago
I like being outside. I wish I had a work laptop and I'd sit in the sun every few hours. It's nice to feel the breeze and get oxygen to the brain. Most gamers prefer to be inside all day. The messages are confusing actually.
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