Moire Opie
3 years ago
How VP Harris Can Sideline Moscow Mitch - NewsFlecto...
I haven't read this through but premise looks very interesting
(((Cajsa))) says
3 years ago
It's also completely wrong. Directly out of the US Constitution.
"The Vice President of the United States shall be President of the Senate, but shall have no Vote, unless they be equally divided."
(((Cajsa))) says
3 years ago
As to the rules of operation. They approve them at the beginning of the session. We have seen them ignored (ignoring quorum to install Coathanger Barrett) but This is a fantasy
Moire Opie
3 years ago
But it's not about voting. it's about setting the agenda. I found another article on medium that perhaps more specific. Mitch McConnell, an Emperor Without Clothes? | by Ni...