How it works:
-Give me a topic to look into (EG:"Whats my love life looking like" "Hows the month ahead looking for me" "Anything good coming my way)
-No "yes or no" questions
- I don't feel comfortable doing health related questions
- gimmie ur astrological sign
If u wanna do it privately either.. lMAO DO THAT DISCORD THING or just pp me
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Cancer and what's up with the person that I'm crushing on? I don't mean to be all 8th grade here but y'know.
I wanna say she was born like on June 17th ish?
Sorry my brain skipped like
question: do you guys work together or work in the same industry?

aight i'm just gonna take the risk in saying it looks like this could be someone you know through work or who works in your industry. Possibly someone who you have collaborated with to create something before
It looks like you are equal parts wanting to jump in and take a chance and be impulsive about sending some kind of message or to talk with them about what youre feeling, but you're also being very cautious because you're not sure you're ready to make that leap yet
it seems your hesitance could come from a previous relationship with a loved one, it doesn't need to be a romantic relationship, but it was someone you were invested in
The relationship was imbalanced, they may have been someone who relied on you as the one to take care of everything for them and after the dust settled it didn't really feel like it was worth it in the end
It's possible they were a libra, it's also possible that there may have been some sort of legal issues around the relationship
you may have sacrificed your own pursuits because of this previous relationship and because you were focused on servicing them over your own needs. the world reversed suggests you haven't quite figured out how to handle that part of yourself yet-- the one who wants to give more of yourself to your partner than you can afford to give
okay so this spread is saying that though you want to express your affection and celebrate it, the timing isn't quite right yet. We've got the wheel in reverse right next to the lovers in reverse to show that
It's not saying this won't work out, but that you need to finish out this cycle of growth for yourself.
Strength reverse also suggests that it's time to confront your own emotions and to find emotional fortitude within yourself, strike up your path towards that so you'll be ready for a commitment
it seems you're going to have to figure out how to detatch yourself emotionally from something/someone, something which caused you confusion or anxiety, it will be a very difficult thing but you'll benefit from the introspection
king of cups and seven of swords suggests taking the time to really learn your own worth and value as a person and what you bring to the table, basically it's time to strategize on your own and away from others. Knight of cups in reverse is again suggesting that you shouldn't extend yourself out to others emotionally at this time
essentially you've been victimized by someone in the past on something you worked very hard on, and spirits asking you to learn your worth
it seems like you may need to ignore the pressures of gossip or even the pressures to settle down. Timing is on your side. the thing you want will come to you, it may just not be right this second
once you've taken the time to learn the many different masks you use or thoroughly explore your emotions, you will be balanced and ready enough to send out an offering of love
Lmao and once that happens you will be done with singledom and done with inner conflict in that arena and ready to embrace happiness
and I think this last line suggests that you'll have an intuitive knowledge that you may need to put things on pause for the moment and learn to bear the burden of .... all this
you're entering all this energy after having made it through a huge catastrophic event. It was something which probably shoot your foundations to their core. But right now you are seeing the light at the end of the tunnel. So keep running at it
i'm hoping any of that resonated with you!
It did, thank you! Also, I am laughing at the working together or in similar fields because we don't BUT she is someone I write with sooooooo.
I was like "this feels like some rp energy here"
omg do u have a crush on me
k-kohai. i don't think this is appropriate
well the star card is aquarius' card
and i was at the bottom of the deck so you know