DWRP: We hate antis! Antis are the worst!
Some RPer: /runs a pro-shipper discourse twitter
DWRP: No, don't actually do anything about the antis!
latest #167
4 years ago
what is an anti?
The people always screaming about underage anime girls
Or calling ships like Shiro/Keith from Voltron incest because one of them said "you're like a brother to me" once
Like to run around doxing and sending death threats to fanartists
People like to talk a lot of shit about them on Plurk but visibly distance themselves from anyone speaking up about them because "what if people think I'm a pedo"
duck bastard
4 years ago
if you disagree with them misusing the term 'pedophile', they say you're lying about being a csa survivor
duck bastard
4 years ago
but hold on, i feel like i have an explanation buried somewhere that goes in depth on how they got that name and their deal....
It started as anti-[insert ship here]. I know, because Tumblr smushed the "IchiHime" and "anti-IchiHime" tags together like 7 years ago
Now they claim it's short for anti-pedophilia but lol I didn't forget, fetuses
duck bastard
4 years ago
but tldr would be people who think that fiction has a far greater effect on reality than it does, and so the only good media (fanmade or not) is 'pure'
duck bastard
4 years ago
if you've heard of 'purity culture' in fandom spacesw, that ties in a s well
Yes, that
At it's heart, it's about controlling other people's creative output to put your preferred ship or hc at the top.
And lol guess who hasn't RPed in 2 years and has no CR to lose by calling anyone who bows to that shit while hating it a fuckin weenie?
4 years ago
ah okay
duck bastard
4 years ago
I've also found a trend of it tying in with the "anti-fujoshi" movement, which sounds vaguely good on shallow theory - no fetishization of gay couples
duck bastard
4 years ago
but that shit gets twisted quick, from calling any rival ship something just 'fujoshi' make popular/like (experienced that, lmao) to lots of sexism, homphobia, and transphobia
duck bastard
4 years ago
- oh and racism
Also constant misgendering of fundashi and fujin as "stupid cishet women"
Like I've literally had someone I met on DWRP, who rped smut with my 16 yo in canon character, who was crying about antis targetting her incest stories, say she couldn't be seen publicly with me because I ship ZackRay
duck bastard
4 years ago
you get a lot of wild bullshit coming out of their mouths in order to be Pure
4 years ago
....I miss it when RP was fun
Make your porn kid-friendly!
duck bastard
4 years ago
i've seen this more in other fandom spaces than dwrp, fortunately
duck bastard
4 years ago
they hate ao3, as you can imagine
Also you may only write about your own gender and sexuality! If you're NB or Ace, fuck you since those are hardly ever canon anywhere!
Someone recently got banned from one game and lost all their CR in another for having a pro-ship discourse Twitter, so DWRP isn't immune
duck bastard
4 years ago
4 years ago
Well, daaaamn
4 years ago
It was a thing of time that the anti/antio-anti slap fight arrived to DWRP
duck bastard
4 years ago
i wish there was a better name than "pro ship" or "anti anti"
duck bastard
4 years ago
bc "i'm a csa survivor and think antis beliefs and methods are absolutely vile and also cause more harm to csa survivors than any noncon fic" doesn't roll off the tongue
4 years ago
I still see them on Dumblr (whenever I remember to check in)
4 years ago
And they're SO ACTIVE on Twitter.
4 years ago
Make your porn kid-friendly!

Never forget when teenagers were demanding to have their own space in the Dramatical Murder fandom. FREAKING DRAMATICAL MUDER, dammit.
Oh, they're in fucking Hannibal fandom now lol
AoD fandom is basically solely dedicated to shipping a nasty 20 yo ace serial killer with either a 13 yo or yourself, so we basically formed a barrier against antis.
We still occasionally get them, but they leave quickly
4 years ago
Wait.... I didn't know anti was strictly talking about pedophiles now? I guess in the western fandoms
duck bastard
4 years ago
like i said: it covers a lot of topics tbh
duck bastard
4 years ago
but accusations of "pedophilia" or "pedophilic ships" come up a lot on this end, it's true
duck bastard
4 years ago
rape, abuse, and incest are also regular targets in the "if you write or enjoy fic with this, You Are Satan". things are regularly twisted, in a variety of ways, to fit any of these definitions.
4 years ago
Ahh, yeah. People do love them some morality judging.
duck bastard
4 years ago
duck bastard
4 years ago
ugh, yeah, fuck, i've seen at least a couple of those types of stories
duck bastard
4 years ago
I've tried to have reasonable conversations with people who trip into that line of thinking, because, like.... man i can't just leave people falling to that cult ass shit
duck bastard
4 years ago
but that all relies on if they are even remotely open to any kind of conversation
duck bastard
4 years ago
but that's been on tumblr.... because i hate twitter's format alkdjsfas and i didn't realize dw had such a problem with it
duck bastard
4 years ago
could I ask what the games were? if you're up for pp-ing those or whatnot
4 years ago
burn wg to the ground and salt the ashes
duck bastard
4 years ago
i can imagine, god
duck bastard
4 years ago
although somehow i am not surprised at prisma.... duplicity definitely made me blink. but this probably isn't the plurk for game chatter
duck bastard
4 years ago
I wish you luck getting through to people. I know how it can be a motherfucker.
duck bastard
4 years ago
I'm relieved that I can recall at least one person who listened to me when I had a conversation with them.
colorful bunch
4 years ago
I'm sorry they're in the hannibal fandom? the fandom whose most pervasive joke is that them being cannibals is the least offensive thing about the hannigram murderhusband ship. that fandom
duck bastard
4 years ago
you poor soul
Yeah, Tox and the other Fanexus mods have laid out that they're gonna do everything in their power to prevent minor contact with MAPs, but like... they aren't psychic
Also yall can chat in here idc lol. I don't have notifs on.
duck bastard
4 years ago
no worries
duck bastard
4 years ago
This reminds me of a post I'd read just recently where someone was frustrated because fandomentalists (my favorite term, because it gets to the heart of the matter) were destroying the distinction between words like "romanticizing", "normalizing", "perpetrating", etc
duck bastard
4 years ago
wg is a shitshow, it's true. i'm glad i basically never look at it.
duck bastard
4 years ago
no worries. prisma has been having a lot of issues, from what I hear along my tl (although take that with a grain of salt, as I don't rp there)
duck bastard
4 years ago
duck bastard
4 years ago
it always fucking sucks when that kind of thing happens
duck bastard
4 years ago
agreed. it's one of the reasons i constantly flick through the ao3 tag on tumblr - or did before it's absolute garbage update where pageification is trashed
duck bastard
4 years ago
if there's anyone who is up for conversation, i can at least try
duck bastard
4 years ago
i did get the kid and their friends who spammed my inbox once, but i also got someone to consider that writing darkfic is not always a sign of Being Satan
duck bastard
4 years ago
so, like, honestly? i'll take that
duck bastard
4 years ago
that cult surroundiiiiiiing- YPU
duck bastard
4 years ago
that one thread on how one stopped being an anti really tells a lot, i think
i mean, if you go to certain anon pages on DW, some of them are anti's on the low, so
I mean it's not as bad as tumblr or twitter, but with some people there's an... undercurrent.
duck bastard
4 years ago
> "man i wonder if i should be more outspoken about how much antis are fucking trash"
> remembers that i posted this plurk literally this week
> "nevermind i never shut up"
duck bastard
4 years ago
duck bastard
4 years ago
glad to help
also one day, and probably soon tumblr gonna go kaput and we are gonna get some of their RP folk, so WE MUST KEEP ON PATROL.
the sorta ppl that say they care about survivors, people that aren't cishet, media crit, and POC. But also condescend to survivors, say that certain reclaimed words don't mean shit, they support hot-take media criticism that frankly turns people off thinking about what they consume, and they call POC slurs for supporting the wrong thing.
the type of people that scream about pedos and fetishization and important stuff like that but aside from tormenting people like them, they don't have actual answers.
these people don't have answers for grooming, pedophila, racism, fetishization, sexism, transphobia or any of the problems in fandom. What they have is the 4chan playbook, which should throw up some red, vermillion ass flags.
4 years ago
Holy shit. I just learned a lot. I'm not in RP or twitter or any social media besides plurk. I'm just absorbing this from afar.
4 years ago
LOL educate aggressively.
4 years ago
It's needed. From what I read. Very badly.
duck bastard
4 years ago
it looks like the whole twitter conversation link no longer works? I went to go check it again and can't access it
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