4 years ago
Still trying to process this particular news https://images.plurk.com/64i8NHVO8q6TZXYeN9v57W.jpg What is an IMN you ask?It is otherwise known as an “intermedullary nailing procedure”,which is where they basically take a rod and shove it down the inside of your femur from hip to knee,screwing it in both ends Intramedullary rod - Wikipedia ortho NP called to discuss this yesterday
latest #19
4 years ago
:-( I honestly wasn’t prepared to hear that bit of news
4 years ago
They are still not doing elective surgeries due to covid19, and this is considered elective. But, apparently they are allowing a select few elective surgeries, especially cancer related.
4 years ago
So, they had a slot open on Friday! Hey, such service! But, I would’ve had to go there today (Thursday) for preop stuff and getting covid19 test.
4 years ago
I said no, I didn’t really think I was prepared to have a rod shoved down the middle of my femur this week, thanks, but no.
isle says
4 years ago
jesus h christ
isle says
4 years ago
that doesnt sound painful at all.
isle says
4 years ago
That sounds rough. How is your healing time lately?
4 years ago
My healing time is pretty good, I think. She seemed to describe this as waaaay less difficult a procedure than the total hip I had on the right side last June. And, overall, that wasn’t the most awful.
4 years ago
Like...I would have surgery, and the next day if my pain was under control and I passed PT assessment, I could go home. When I had my total hip, I saw PT once the day after surgery. I met all their metrics. So ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ sounds like I would likely go home next day.
isle says
4 years ago
wow, that is surprising but possibly not as horrible as it could be!
isle says
4 years ago
But it would be nice to have had a few days to digest it
isle says
4 years ago
I wouldnt have been able to get to that mental place so fast to jump into it today either.
4 years ago
Yeah, I was totally “Ugh....can I think about this?” And she said “Yes, but we do have an OR slot on Friday. I don’t have any idea what will be available next week or later”. So, I guess the OR is just granting rooms depending on what emergencies they have or something. I don’t know.
4 years ago
yeah, oh... I'd be a little freaked out as well.
4 years ago
Yeah wow that is a lot to digest.
oh wow yeah it's one thing you need time to prep.
4 years ago
I have had surgeries on short notice that way because of a cancellation - usually something like a person scheduled got sick and couldn't have their op so a slot opened. But wowzer, that is a major surgery to do on short notice in the midst of a pandemic.
Clara 🦄
4 years ago
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