waddy100 wonders
4 years ago
whether this current lockdown will change my lifestyle that much. Other than shows, which count as 90% of my ‘social’ related life I work entirely from home and am as antisocial as I can manage at all times 😏.
sef_lopod is
4 years ago
also in this category. University term was just finished anyway. It really depends upon whether you have more extra people at home full time than normal. And of course getting provisions and medical care are now extremely difficult.
waddy100 writes
4 years ago
got four of us at mo which was being challenging anyways and luckily my health is good enough that I can continue to avoid the medical profession. On provisions, I’m flexible on what we eat and require in general and the shops around here don’t seem to have been as bad as some news articles are suggesting.
sef_lopod thinks
4 years ago
you're in the provinces (although not quite so much the prime second-home-owner territory to which the plague carriers of London are fleeing) and those have been less badly hit (until of course the second wave happens).
waddy100 writes
4 years ago
precisely, but for now going to enjoy the sunshine and make pots😎😎😎
sef_lopod says
4 years ago
making pots while the sun shines instead of making hay!