About a year or more ago, I purchased a sewing machine! It's a really basic one that only cost about £40, and it seemed perfect to help me finally have the courage to embrace this hobby I've always been afraid of.
Then I ignored it for a long time because I was too afraid of it.
But this weekend! I made! A bag!!!
It has different colours on the opposite side because I had to work with the limited fabrics I always had available -
This one was supposed to be a test run, so I wasn't too concerned about all the mismatched colours and such—although I did try to at least be a bit conscious of matching in whatever small ways I was able to, haha. I think I learned quite a bit!
There are dodgy seams, uneven corners, and the lining is accidentally slightly larger than the outer layer, oops. But these are all things I can look at and consider how it would be avoided next time, with fabrics I actually want to use, and all in all I'm really pleased and excited!
It's actually lined, I'm so happy with that!!!
Semi-related, I am going back to work tomorrow! I have been off since late May due to le sickness, but I have finally finished all treatment and been cleared by occupational health, so it is time. Which means I am going to use this bag to carry my work shoes and my lunch, heeheehee
Back to work, back to work
Dude! Congratulations! I have a sewing machine and I feel guilty b/c it never gets used. But, it just feels so frustrating to use it and my shaky hands makes it more frustrating </3
But that's freakin' awesome!
Also can't believe it's been that long... X.X!
Back to work... was a success! I'm so glad to be back, wahhh.
xindanobody Try not to be too hard on yourself about it! I just browsed a really simple bunch of "beginner's first sewing projects" to find something with basic instructions, and I know what I've made has some flaws but it feels so great to have it in your hands and know you did it yourself, you know? C:
Hehe, I hope it went smoothly!
Dude, it's super impressive IMO. I mean, really? First time? Dude. It's not easy to get the hang of, but it looks like you're going to get it in no time <3
And yup! It's a wonderful feeling to have, definitely understand that from the things I've made in the past <3
Wahhhh, thank you! One of these days we should pick a sewing project to do together! We'll make the same thing, but I'll design mine to suit you (like, I'll give it Kingdom Hearts details, heehee), you can design toward me, and then we'll trade the finished result!
Or if that's too much hassle we can just pick a project and exchange progress photos with each other! c:
(SUPER late, but) - You're welcome!! I wish I could use a sewing machine. My coordination and just all does NOT work with it. Hand sewing, I hope to get back into once I can steady my arms and get physical therapy in.
OMG that would be so fun ;;!!!!!
fjdsiao Awwwwwww T_____T You came up with such a fdjsaio Idea;;;;;;;