Plurk EN
4 years ago
New Feature: Mask adult-only content and Click to show

We launch a new option for you to adjust the display preference of Adult-only content.

If you choose "Mask them and click to show", the adult-only content will be masked and you need to click it to see content.
Only plurker's friends can respond
latest #62
Plurk EN
4 years ago @Edit 4 years ago
PS: You will need to update App to the latest version to see this effect. And this option is only available to users whose age is greater than 18.
Freyja 金 says
4 years ago
I'd like to ask what about web app? Is there any implememtation?
4 years ago
lucy_haha: yes, go to settings > timeline
you will find that it's automatically set to "click to show", but you can change it to always show or never show.
Thanks! :-)
4 years ago
4 years ago
no problem!
I'm encoutering a problem to change my preference on web app. The setting of this just won't save, it keeps reverting the setting back to "click to show". The other settings i.e. timezone though they seem to stick with what I changed.
Thick Malört
4 years ago
How do I mark my plurks NSFW so the app picks them up?
4 years ago @Edit 4 years ago
just put "NSFW" in the top plurk and it will automatically add the 18+ marker, or you can click the lock when composing a new plurk and select "adults only"
I think you need to put a "R18" or something like that in your plurk, like [R18] (your contents)
4 years ago
yeah, both nsfw and r18 work to auto select the adults only marker.
Thick Malört
4 years ago
Thank you for telling me that
4 years ago
4 years ago
gnx_crash: this is really nice, to prevent children from copying my unhealthy choice of meal
4 years ago
Cc necro
a space cocoon
4 years ago
nifty!! ty
Es teh panas
4 years ago
dwan: setAutoAdultOnly(DEFAULT::true)
what if i wanna keep seeing nsfw? :-P
JhayKhayCee says
4 years ago
Thank you for the update.
Freyja 金 says
4 years ago
_ZeRo_SkY_: You choose the "show them as is", obviously.
MikkelE says
4 years ago
Good work :-)
Passive İncome says
4 years ago
Passive İncome says
4 years ago
how are you?
Passive İncome says
4 years ago
muslimmolana: hello ı come from turkey
cachlamnet wonders
4 years ago
dwiyan darkside says
4 years ago
no adult content at plurk hahaha
4 years ago
3 years ago
3 years ago
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