4 years ago
What is EEP and why does it stop Firestorm supporting baked-on mesh?
latest #10
Gogo ♔
4 years ago
Bakes on mesh, with an S
Allegory says
4 years ago
it's the windlight replacement. it's an issue because FS is trying to keep doing opensim versions, and eep and windlight are not compatible to both have in the same viewer. it's less eep's fault, more opensim's fault, and the no standard because opensims don't all change at the same rate, or at the same rate as SL, and they also have no dedicated opensim
Allegory says
4 years ago
dev to juggle all of those issues specifically and keep up with what/where.
Anne Cloud
4 years ago
As a LL viewer user, i don't really have a horse in this race, but the struggle to include Opensim has always been more costly to SLers than beneficial to Opensimmers.
Anne Cloud
4 years ago
Writing as a contractor who's done work on both over the past 13 years, Opensim has always lagged far, far behind. People think it's way less costly, and that may be true in the 'out of pocket' sense, but it is much more time intensive for someone like me to have to figure out workarounds for 5-10yo tech they still don't support. Worse for scripted content.
Anne Cloud
4 years ago
It's additionally costly to try to round up all your friends to hang out over 'there' and costly for them to get their avatar exactly the way they want.
Anne Cloud
4 years ago
I think Firestorm needs to assess just what their priorities are. What is the bulk of their audience? Will the cost of failing to adopt be offset by the sheer number of people who will go to their graves clutching their Opensim regions to their chest?
Anne Cloud
4 years ago
For now, I'm enjoying BoM as it's freely already available, and it's making for lot of saved time when product testing at work. I hope the rest of you can play with it soon :-)
Allegory says
4 years ago
akishichiroji: i agree on a lot of those points, but FS likely won't be dropping opensim. it's a personal pet priority for one of the core people, so it's not really a logic thing (especially since it's not like this is a business, it's an unpaid hobby). i don't know that she uses opensim any- but the dev for it is still a priority.
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