S-Word Sunday! Fire Emblem: Three houses edition. Because this is what I've been living/breathing/drinking for the past two weeks.
latest #13
Sexy, Salty, Spears, Swords, crestS...
Spells or Steeds if you'd like.
And let's not forget important things like Supports and Shareable Sweets.
Funniest support you remember
Claude/Annette. I can't remember the specific rank, but the first time he catches her singing, in the greenhouse. It's probably c-rank.
Yeah, I got that one not too long ago.
I think in terms of purely 'funny' Felix/Annette beats it as a set, but both are great.
Annette's character is a great source of comedy, I've noticed.
She has some really good emotional supports with the right people, too. Dedue and her father, for example.
But yeah she has some of the best comical supports.
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