5 years ago
And so it goes, and so it goes...
latest #29
5 years ago
*Thank you, everyone, for tuning in to Drift Fleet*
5 years ago
With this, the game is now done - the series finale is complete.
5 years ago
The comms will be opened, and it will become an open musebox from this point forward, for anyone who wishes to continue drifting merrily along - visiting new and exciting places of your own making, or visiting any old favorites!
B'αjα Tια
5 years ago
5 years ago
Use the tags in the OOC comm if you want to scrounge around for the planet(s) of your choice.
5 years ago
There are a few more OOC deets here.
5 years ago
Thank you, everyone. We love you all so much, and we're so dang proud and glad to know each and every single one of you.
5 years ago
Happy Travels, dear Drift Fleet.
https://i.imgur.com/43t3gU1.gif Thank you to all the mods and all my fellow players from when I was there. You truly made this an awesome game, and I'm proud you were able to write such an amazing ending and give Drift Fleet the finale she deserved.
5 years ago
thank you mods!!!
thanks for everything, mods!!
thank you for giving me a home for so long, mods!
fancy Espurr
5 years ago
5 years ago
Thank you all so much! I've had a blast here and while I'm sorry to see it end, this is a good way for it to go out
5 years ago
also I got to shoot the Darkness
5 years ago
go me
fancy Espurr
5 years ago
Zigzag Stampede
5 years ago
Thank you mods past and present for such a great and wonderful game. As they say all good things...
5 years ago
thanks so much you guys <3
5 years ago
it's been a hell of a ride... thank you, everyone, for making this game awesome
inadequate tits
5 years ago
bless you and thank you my lovelies
5 years ago
thank you all so much!
thank you so much everyone. even people who aren't with us anymore - thank you so freaking much for making this amazing.
Sing Anyway
5 years ago
Thank you so much. This has been amazing.
Thank you mods!
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