Kenadee Reign
5 years ago
I've been gone forever! tell me what's new in your lives.
latest #21
5 years ago
Living that Canadian life, studying French, and waiting the arrival of my new nephew.
Kenadee Reign
5 years ago
gabbypanacek omg yay for babies!!
5 years ago
Speaking of babies, I'm missing updates on yours! And missing you!
Kenadee Reign
5 years ago currently having a milk party lol
Almost summer break from teaching my first year.
5 years ago
5 years ago
Ugh those precious eyesssss
Kenadee Reign
5 years ago
starfiresilverstar: how awesome! congratulations on surviving a whole year lol. what year do you teach?
Sylvia's Ghost
5 years ago
your baby is like really really really cute
Sylvia's Ghost
5 years ago
I hope that you're doing amazing!
Kenadee Reign
5 years ago
SylviaOlivier: thank you!!! we're all doing amazing.
Kenadee Reign
5 years ago
Sasscassmiddles: Right!!! those baby blues see right through my heart I swear.
5 years ago
aww, I was wondering about you an your baby the other day! Glad to see yall are doing well!
Kenadee Reign
5 years ago
PixieRuby: we are!! anything new and exciting with you.
5 years ago
Not really, just dealing with sick kiddos since kindergarten started.
5 years ago
and working on a new shop build for our new sim but other than that nothing really new lol
5 years ago
Not much really. Megan doesn't stop talking and Dylan is trying to talk but can't say any words yet (LOL)
Andel Rhiadra
5 years ago
Another baby on the way
Kenadee Reign
5 years ago
AndelRhiadra: omg how incredible!!! congrats
KenadeeCole: I teach English to senior citizens. It’s a volunteer gig. I’m really enjoying it.
Autumn Moon
5 years ago
Just got some land with the bf and decorating it :-)
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