5 years ago
Holy shit, this should be good. Cohen's opening statement for tomorrow: Read: Michael Cohen's opening statement to Congress
latest #12
(((Cajsa))) says
5 years ago
Everywhere around the world
They're dancing.
They're dancing in the street.
Way down in L.A. every day,
They're dancing in the street.
(Dancing in the street.)
Let's form a big, strong line, get in time,
We're dancing in the street.
5 years ago
I'm only on page one, but how terribly sad that he needs to ask for protection for his family against "Presidential threats".
5 years ago
Finished it. And all I can say is damn.
5 years ago
Will it make a difference?
5 years ago
EvangelineMiles: Oh Evie. In any other reality, it would bring the whole debacle down forever. We're not in anything I can recognize as reality, though.
isle says
5 years ago
omg I have tears in my eyes. Tears of hope but also tears because I am pretty sure it doesnt matter.
isle says
5 years ago
It will not fucking matter.
5 years ago
I’ve woken up today to read the local news reports about it and I’m now convinced the man is basically shouting into the wind. The Republicans are defending him. I don’t understand.
5 years ago
It blows my mind how vehemently they defend him. Today was a shitshow on the Repub side. Parading out a woman of color to prove our racist Pres isn't racist?? BUT, the freshman Dem females were freaking amazing.
5 years ago
I don't think Cohen provided much regarding collusion. But tax fraud, paying hush money to women via his foundation and campaign funds, lying about his timeline and when he did what, and witness tampering - Cohen did well with that today.
5 years ago
The president won't fall but the Republicans are digging their own hole.
(((Cajsa))) says
5 years ago
I think Cohen's credibility is enhanced by not giving us everything we want.
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