waddy100 thinks
6 years ago
it’s time to have a conversation with a bramble in the back garden that has decided to get over enthusiastic. This could get prickly😏.
latest #12
sef_lopod thinks
6 years ago
brambles are more inclined to go on the attack and draw blood even if you don't go there to start an argument with them.
waddy100 feels
6 years ago
that I have been almost a victim to one of these before. It is very easy to get tangled in.
waddy100 says
6 years ago
that I’m actually happy with it staying in the one corner of the garden especially with the scorching we got through last summer it provided a very useful habitat to birds etc in the hottest period.
waddy100 says
6 years ago
but it’s the growth snaking out though the grass which almost had me over a couple of weeks ago and it is going to be trimmed back before it gets too out of hand!
sef_lopod wonders
6 years ago
if another family member will come looking for you soon if you do get ensnared.
6 years ago
I’m sure they’ll notice a lack of washing up being done eventually!
sef_lopod is
6 years ago
back from town but is waddy100 back from the battle of the bramble in the garden.
waddy100 is
6 years ago
curled up safe and sound watching telly in front room. A few more scratches than before and annoyingly a few bites from things that have woken up with the warmer weather.
sef_lopod thinks
6 years ago
there are a lot of those already breeding fat wriggling larvae in the pond ready to start doing more biting, rather than frogs and toads getting going on their own breeding plans.
waddy100 feels
6 years ago
that it’s all a bit mixed up with the current weather patterns and in some ways frogs etc might be better waiting as it was later than this last year that we got the really cold weather.
waddy100 wonders
6 years ago
whether despite that I should be setting up the hedgehog feeding station in case they get active in this milder weather.
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