5 years ago
Why is it so hard to get rid of old SL stuff? I'm making myself pack up Last Call, Maitreya hair, Celestial Studios, Armidi, Gala, RAC. #SLhoarder
latest #6
because its art. it's not just clothing or such its art and while it's time has past so would still hold up today.
5 years ago
SanuraSnowpaw: That's it, isn't it? I have been tempted to go full system-body to wear some of it again.
avalonbirke: I'm not sure but I think you will be able to on the mesh bodies soon with baked-on mesh
5 years ago
RoslinPetion: I still wear Miriel earrings. Muse, too. I would wear Paper Couture again in a heartbeat. Artilleri, too. I love mesh and bento but there were some incredibly talented designers back in the day. Ahem looks pointedly at you And some are still creating
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