5 years ago @Edit 5 years ago
I've been summoned for jury duty....again. This makes the 4th summons since I became a US citizen....2 in CA, 1 in VA, and now in PA. Of course I've yet to actually sit on a jury (I was an alternate once). I don't mind and feel it's my civic duty anyway ...but no one else in my family have ever been summoned!
FannyFae says
5 years ago
That's a bummer. You only have to serve on a jury once every two years year maximum. I did last year so I am ok for now. ;-)
5 years ago
Like I said, it's not that I mind, but I do wonder how come it's always me and no one else in the family, including extended...lol! Though my oldest did get a summons once, but he was deployed at the time so he was excused g. I remember you having jury duty....I'm not sure of the max time but with this county it seems that it would be longer.