5 years ago
fannyfae bifrostbbsitter ashtoreth I've finally added to the Yule post for Hsu and Stelios. Please forgive my slowness as my muses are unlikely to g. I still have to post for Danika, but I'm at work and forgot to send myself all I'd written for her😜
latest #7
5 years ago
Not a problem I'm pretty slow, too!!
5 years ago
I'll post Dani's rep when I get home
5 years ago
I've been working on these for a week nearly lol!
FannyFae says
5 years ago
It shows because those are some pretty wonderful reps, by the way! Love them! My muses are all purring happily at both Hsutilla and Stelios. ;-)
5 years ago
And Dani repped 😀
5 years ago
awwww thanks! Glad your muses are happy with them g
5 years ago
No worries. I’m trying to just stay alive until the weekend. Tough week.
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