5 years ago
I have become a true Pennsylvannian. I'm so looking forward to pork and sauerkraut for dinner. It smells delish!
latest #9
5 years ago
Mmm, sounds good!
Ashtoreth says
5 years ago
Yummy! I love pork & sauerkraut.
5 years ago
jaye do you want me to first subscribe to your journal before I ask questions; and if so - so you want my real world journal (I'll have to dust it off) or one of the character journals?
5 years ago
Oh yes please do! I thought you were but I guess that was Hsu's. Whichever journal you prefer.
5 years ago
Bifrostdefender: Ooh what good questions for Stelios. ::g::
FannyFae says
5 years ago
Yeah, this scribe cannot wait to see how Stelios answers his father in law! LOL!
FannyFae says
5 years ago
Would you believe that sauerkraut and canadian bacon on pizza kicks complete butt? Heavenly stuff!
5 years ago
FannyFae: Steliis got that big ol' grin when he saw the questions. Hell.have fun
5 years ago
FannyFae: that sounds yummy! pork and sauerkraut is the traditional NYD meal in PA.
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