5 years ago
For those who don't know I'm the library director for a VERY small rural library. My predecessor (C) was, apparently, good at grand gestures and little else. Just got a call from a 92 year old lady wanting to donate her fiction books. No problem, but C told her she would have a room named after her for her sizable donation. [cont'd]
latest #31
5 years ago
Errr....we have 2 rooms. The main room, and smaller one, is the fiction (and children's, YA, public computers, and DVDs) room. The other is non-fiction and book sale. So, yeah, neither room is going to be named after a random donation (we get plenty of large donations). Perhaps C meant one of the closets??
5 years ago
Plus the rooms don't even belong to us but we rent them from the Borough....the library is in the Borough Building's basement. So I would think they would want some say in naming a room.
5 years ago
5 years ago
5 years ago
I know this is not the point but...name a shelf after her?
5 years ago
Half a shelf?
5 years ago
morbidaristocracy: LOL!! Don't tempt me! (LOL)
FannyFae says
5 years ago
morbidaristocracy 's reaction was the same as mine. Oh, my goodness! That's just....wow..
5 years ago
I think that takes the award for “Shit From This Week”.
Ashtoreth says
5 years ago
I swear, I will find a unicorn before I find common sense out amongst the masses.... sheesh.
5 years ago
Yes I think it does. It's not the first of C's messes I've cleaned up, and I'm sure it's not going to be the last. They are plenty.
FannyFae says
5 years ago
morbidaristocracy I think we should start a thread here and/or on DW - shit we heard this week. ;-) I have a couple that are pretty fun, too!
Ashtoreth says
5 years ago
FannyFae: Some of mine would be true horror stories.
5 years ago
FannyFae: I think that TimeOut does that (minus my elegant language and peppering of profanity). However, I fully support this idea.
FannyFae says
5 years ago
This is after I left the metaphysical store, but Korrina, the owner texted me with this doozie from one of our regular nut jobs: "I am being haunted by spirits who are also violating me sexually. Sage just doesn't seem to cut it. What do you recommend?"
Korrina's response was, "Therapy...pharmaceuticals. That would probably be your best bet."
5 years ago
Maybe it could be a thread posted every Friday here or wherever...
5 years ago
We could all use a chuckle.
5 years ago
5 years ago
FannyFae: omfg. But that’s GOLD. That’s a fiction writing idea that could only come from RL
5 years ago
Sage isn’t cutting it.
5 years ago
5 years ago
FannyFae that would be a great WM prompt :-)
5 years ago
So good!
FannyFae says
5 years ago
I will definitely use that then. I am sure Ashtoreth 's Terror Twins would have a field day with it!!
FannyFae says
5 years ago
Faelyn, too, come to think of it! ;-)
5 years ago
I really do just want to read that line in a fiction.
Ashtoreth says
5 years ago
FannyFae: LOL! I can see the three of them at a cafe drinking Campari and one of them telling the story... and when they say Sage isn’t cutting it. all three of them laughing until they cry.
5 years ago
Ashtoreth, me, too!!!!
5 years ago
Is love to see that story!
5 years ago
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